Transient Technologies LLC released a new version of software package for VIY3 series GPRs.
New software version is
What’s new:
The new module of 3D visualization was added.
Main features:
- Now all the project items can be seen in 3D view

- 3D- interpolation can be created with manual or automatic parameters setup
- The interpolation can be built by any profile section in any project plane (Z,Y,Z)
- There is possible to see simultaneously or separately profile imaging and the interpolation built
- Resulting 3D image can be rotated in any direction and any plane

Top view (horizontal section):

- Flexible color palette setup of 3D image

- 3D interpolation using GPS

- You can create reports by both the project’s plan or 3D view
- You can save 3D view to hard drive or flashcard for quick demonstration
Please download updated software package here: