Planner program is designed to display all measured GPR data and all found items on the location plan and to manage the sounding process.
Example of GPR profiles displayed in Planner.
Working with GPS
Export a project data to .kmz file and therefore it can be opened with Google Earth program.
Convenient view and identification of GPR profiles. Marking on the GPR profile and on the view area.
Arbitrary orientation and position of the base line.
Unlimited number of GPR profiles in the site. Unlimited number of sites in the project.
Area plan. Using an image as a background layer in the project.
Convenient editing of object's markers.
Report preparation.
Easy integration with Synchro3 program during sounding and data processing.
Data export to AutoCad.
3D representation can be made directly from Planner.
3D interpolation can be built by any profile section in any project plane (Z,Y,Z).
3D interpolation using GPS
Reports can be created based on project's plan or 3D view.
Please download the last version of VIY software package (ver. here
The VIY software allows all settings the Ground Penetrating Radars, to manage the process of measurement, load into a computer store, process and print the measured data. The same can import data from the VIY2 series GPR.
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