We have updated our GPR software packed.
You can download this software packet here www.viy.ua/e/software
What's new
In new version was added support multichannel GPR systyem - double frequency, three and five channel systems
There are different display of GPR data in Synchro program
In Planner was added in project abilities show / hide profiles. For double frequency GPR you can show/hide all profiles needed freaquency by single click
In Planner was modified interface of 3D unit. We was separate controls wich setup of interpolation from controls for visualisation
In planner was added ability create depth slice
Depth slices exported to Google Earth with alpha channel
In Synchro was added support last version of firmware
In Synchro was changed file version. VIY5 GPR will create .brm files, old VIY3 GPR will save .sgpr files