In 2021, Kyiv geophysicists and museum workers performed extensive work on georadar scanning of the site of the Epiphany Cathedral of the Kyiv-Bratskyi Monastery, destroyed in 1936, with the aim of accurately locating its foundations.
A comprehensive understanding of the significance and archaeological potential of the site of destroyed Epiphany Cathedral of Kyiv Brotherhood Monastery was established by combining historical research with ground penetrating radar technique. The historical research provides context and background information about the Cathedral, including its construction, renovations, previous uses, and any known archaeological discoveries. Two locations of Cathedral's foundations were identified as well as excavated area nearby, which did not reveal remains of the structure.
The analytical approach implemented in this paper allowed us to precisely target GPR measurements. In this study, a dual-frequency GPR system (300 MHz and 700 MHz) was used. The 300 MHz antenna proved to be effective in penetrating clay-rich cultural layers studied at a depth of 2.0 m. This allowed us to image and separate the city communications and fragments of the foundation in the studied area in the radargrams and C-scans. The ground-penetrating radar survey showed the best preservation of the foundations of the massive western wall of the Cathedral. The proposed reconstruction of the location of Cathedral`s foundation is to be used in the development of archaeological investigation, conservation and management plans for the site, ensuring its protection and preservation.